... family holiday , so far ...

Here are some shots of our family vacation so far.  Right now we are in Phoenix at my parent's house spending some quality time with Grammy while Pappy slaves away at the good old 9-5...  This weekend it is off to Disney for a few days!  I have to say I am not sure who is more excited about Disney -- me, my mom or V.  I think we all might just have a tie.

All of these were shot on my iPhone and if edited, they were done in PicTapGo or VSCOCam (or a combo of both).

The boys got upgraded seats on the plane so that at least one of us was sitting with V.... technically it was my ticket, but I was nice to T and let him have the more leg room.

Vaughn zonked out for about two hours on flight two. 

He was really jazzed about getting to Arizona and having his "rexy" with him. 

My mom had a houndstooth Mickey that I am obsessed with. 

Vaughn tuckered Zoe out. 

Vaughn and I getting ready to go out on the town and run some errands... aka - go to the mall. 

Italian Soda Time... and Macarons!

Lunch with Grammy. 

Vaughn is having a great time in Grammy's pool, even though it is FRIGID to us adults!

Vaughn is loving that Zoe will snuggle with him.  This is what they did while we were working out this morning. 

And what would a trip be without a little Settlers of Catan action.  My mom won... but V gave us all a good run for it. 

And yes, this is my office this morning folks.  Returning emails and keeping up with the world even on vacation.  My job never ends, which is fine by me.  I really love it!

And lastly, we will be doing German food tonight... one of Trevor's favorite. 

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