... life lessons ...

I came away from WPPI 2013 and Las Vegas this year with a lesson I didn't expect. It was one about life, family and close friends - not photography. I was blind sided by it. Seeing a friend change from what they used to be like and having an over-share moment with them really struck me. I am still in an odd place trying to process it all. This friend may have just rescued me from a funk and they didn't even know it!

So for now, here are some shots of my friends and I at WPPI. Some are from my camera, most are from my iPhone.

Taken by Charlie Mai, prior to the Madera Party. He was nice enough to grab these snaps of me for my mom.

And then I begged my friends to let me shoot them too!

1 comment:

  1. Life's lows or funks are where we ususally learn the lessons not in the highs. You are blessed to have some awesome friend to be there for you when you didn't even know you needed them. Not to metion a bacon crazed hubby, sweet little man, and of course, the furry! Love you!
