... start to finish ...

I was looking back over images on Facebook and realized, I have changed a great deal since moving to Kentucky.  Here is a little year one to year five comparison photo.  It is hard to believe that as of July 1, we will be heading out west.

I have gone from blonde to brunette, 25 to 30, changed fashions, built a successful business from scratch and made many new friends.  I found myself; my voice.  I have developed into my own person, with definite opinions and stances.  I have quit defining myself by those around me and started to define myself by what I love.  All in all, my time in Kentucky has taught me to see my own happiness and be true to myself - even if others don't like it.

Though I may be a few pounds heavier (okay, trying to shed those) and a bit older... I would like to think I have become a tad bit wiser.  I would like to think that I have started to understand that being happy with me leads me to be happy in other areas as well.  I have always had an upbeat and can-do attitude.  All in all, I am quite happy with the me I have become and I can't wait to see where that takes me in the future as we venture on to other things. 

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